Do I need a Doctor?


In this technological day and age, many people might wonder ‘do I really need a doctor?’, as seemingly everything is now available online. Let’s stop and think about that for a minute…

It’s easier to self-diagnose with Google (…or is it?)

So, what about self diagnosing with Google? We all know the expression “the doctor knows best”, but what does the doctor know, anyway?! Maybe you could save some time and diagnose yourself with Google. Quicker and easier than booking a consult? Or not?

An attack of ‘Cyberchondria’.

These days doctors often see patients with a debilitating new illness called ‘Cyberchondria’. Cyberchondria is when the symptoms you search online seem to indicate a serious, maybe even fatal, disease. If you find yourself spending hours online researching your symptoms, and going back time and time again, you are at high risk of developing Cyberchondria.

What does the doctor know? Check it out.

Should you see the GP about that back injury you got playing footy this weekend? What about those digestive problems you’ve had for the last few weeks? There are plenty of online symptom checkers. However, academic studies have found online self-diagnosis incorrect the majority of the time. So, sometimes your doctor can reassure you and help you not to worry, but at other times we might find that we need to take action quickly.

Google saves me time and money.

You don’t want to waste your time, the doctor’s time or your money. Why not Google it? Because, most symptoms you see are not the full story. Your GP can treat most problems quickly and easily, which will often save you in the long run. Be careful of some of the hype and claims out there from all sorts of so-called health experts – when it’s truly serious, your GP has the training to know which tests are really needed, and which specialists can best treat you.

Searching for the cure for old age.

As we get older, we feel more aches, we often don’t sleep as well, and our bodies feel ‘different’. You might never think of the actual issues to search for. It’s really important that you keep up regular checks with your trusted GP. Regular appointments help your GP catch subtle changes before they become a real problem. It’s not just about sickness, it’s about wellness as well.

Up late worrying.

‘Dr. Google’ isn’t going to provide you with holistic wellness. In fact, Dr. Google may be causing some of your symptoms by keeping you up late at night! Loss of sleep or mental stress can contribute to ‘phantom symptoms’. Let your GP know about issues in your life that may be causing loss of sleep, high levels of stress or conflicts with work or family. See what happens when you rely on Azure Medical to work on your overall wellbeing.

When in doubt, call us and speak to our staff. We are here to help, and to keep you happy and healthy so that hopefully you don’t need to see us too often!

Book an appointment or
cosmetic consult with us.

Richard Newton

Dr Richard Newton grew up in Warwickshire, England and went to University in Southampton, qualifying in medicine in 1991. Richard’s medical career has taken him around the world in a wide range of roles, from a ship’s Medical Officer on a frigate during the Balkans War, to rural General Practice on King Island, Tasmania. Richard has completed further Professional Development in Laser and Cosmetic Medicine, Skin Cancer Management, Sports Medicine and Internal Medicine.

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