doctor appointments
in cottesloe
We’ll treat you right

In a busy, time poor world, it’s refreshing to know businesses still exist that make the time to do what’s right. Traditional GPs at heart, the Azure Medical philosophy is a person centred approach, focussed on taking time to understand you and what you need to find your feelgood.
Led by Dr Richard Newton, a doctor’s appointment at Azure Medical means it’s about you as a whole person, not just your symptoms. You have access to male and female doctors who can help you with a range of concerns including acute illnesses and injuries (including suturing), chronic illnesses and chronic disease management plans, health checks and assessments, blood tests, X-ray referrals and specialist referrals, skin checks and skin cancer treatments, mental and emotional health, assistance organising referrals and further investigations, and expediting admissions to hospital when needed.
If you need a more specialised health assessment, our team of qualified GPs will help with a range of medicals including Executive, Insurance, Pre-Employment - even Recreational Scuba Diving Medicals. We’re also available to provide skin checks, heart checks, Men’s and Women’s Health checks. In fact, we look after the whole family, from the very old to the very young, and from all walks of life.
Book your doctor's appointment in Cottesloe today! Find us in Cottesloe Central Shopping precinct on the first floor.