What is the difference between IPL and Laser Therapy? Don’t waste your time on so-so results.
Get onto the best cosmetic therapy. Get the results you want.
Are you talking hair removal or skin treatments?
First, let’s spell out IPL – Intense Pulse Light, more like a powerful camera flash. A laser is also light, but highly focused, more targeted and precise. In this article, let’s look at how laser and IPL are used for cosmetic skin treatments. Find comparisons to laser and IPL hair removal here.
Everything you need to know about acne.
Lasers can be a life-changing treatment for acne. Unlike IPL, laser treatments for acne can reach deeper into the pore with less burning of the skin around the acne. For those with naturally darker skin, the laser is less likely than IPL to cause extra pigment spots. (By the way, lasers can be used to remove some types of skin pigments, too.)
Red face no more.
Speaking of acne, what about the red acne scars? A laser can be a highly exact tool for removing reddened scars, or some types of red spots from the skin. Because lasers are focused there is less overall redness during healing than IPL. In Western Australia, only a doctor can do laser treatment.
So the difference between IPL, facial rejuvenation and laser therapy?
Does facial rejuvenation use a laser, or is it IPL? Neither! Facial rejuvenation is usually a panel of LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) used to stimulate skin cells to regenerate. The concentrated light in facial rejuvenation is set to match the skin condition. For example, the Omnilux LED are tuned to reach a specific layer in the skin to speed recovery from acne conditions.
Do non-surgical facelifts really work?
Fewer crows feet. Less lip lines. Younger contours. Laser does what IPL cannot. In the case of non-surgical face lifts, the Laser Fotona TwinLight / Fotona 4D are an easier option than cosmetic surgery. The difference between IPL and laser is the laser can work for many skin types. Laser results more noticeable and need very little recovery time.
Since each person’s skin is different, call for your custom cosmetic treatment plan. Our GPs will look at what combination of treatments will give you the safest, longest lasting results. Get a private cosmetic consultation, by booking at (08) 9286 9900.