Committed to keeping you safe

Your health and safety is our number one priority. To reflect the current WA health advice we’ve further updated our in-practice safety measures. Here’s what you can expect when you next visit Azure:
- Everyone attending our practice must social distance and wear a mask
- Only one carer per patient is allowed
- For your safety, our staff are wearing protective eyewear and face masks at all times
- Each patient will be required to answer screening questions before attending an appointment
- If you are awaiting COVID-19 test results, you MUST isolate. DO NOT attend our practice
- If you have COVID-19 related symptoms please book a Telehealth Consult via our website or visit a COVID testing clinic immediately
- After a Telehealth Consult, GPs may see patients with respiratory issues face-to-face if they deem it necessary. To minimise contact with others, these appointments will be booked later in the day
- To limit the time you spend in the practice your payment information will be required when you book your appointment. These details are held in a secure payment platform until your bill has been created by your practitioner.
- We are NOT a COVID-19 Clinic and do not conduct any COVID-19 testing or COVID-19 vaccinations here.
What do I need to do?
Our reception staff will be screening every patient's booking appointments. Please answer truthfully as this helps to keep you and us – safe!
What info you will need to tell us when you call for an appointment:
- Name and details/medicare details (if you are a new patient)
- Credit card details to confirm your appointment. These details are held in a secure platform until your bill has been created by your practitioner, limiting the time you spend in the practice. Your payment is automatically made at the end of your appointment.
- Are you awaiting Covid-19 results?
- Are you a 'close contact" of someone with Covid-19?
- Do you have any of the following symptoms: cough, runny nose, sore throat, difficulty breathing?
- Next Steps:
Telehealth Appt
Follow up in person appt if deemed suitable by GP
Telehealth medical appointments
Even during isolation or quarantine, it's important to keep on top of your health concerns. Our virtual medical appointments allow you to address your health concerns while giving you the flexibility to see your doctor from home.
Virtual appointments are available for:
- Video Consult – GP Consultation
- Cost: $90 ($39.10 Medicare rebate)
- Bookings: Click here.
- Phone Consult - GP Consultation:
- Cost: $90 ($39.10 Medicare rebate)
- Bookings: Click here.
(Medicare rebates apply if you have been seen at Azure Medical by a GP in person in the last 12 months, unless you fall into a Medicare exemption category)
How to book
Once you have booked a Telehealth appointment, you will need to download the Automed app to join the video call at your appointment time. Click here to get the app now. For further information on how to use the Automed app, please click here.
ServiceWA app
Having trouble setting up your ServiceWA app? You’re not the only one!
Well you can take a sigh of relief, because we have an easy step-by-step guide to help!
Before you start
You will need to set up your Digital Identity. You can simply create one using the myGovID app, available on your app store. A Standard identity strength requires you to have two Australian identity documents (with your name matching on both). For example, a Drivers Licence and Medicare Card.
Getting started
Download the ServiceWA app, available on your app store. Follow the prompts in the lead up to creating your log in. This may include a consent form and information about the app.
Logging in
You will need to follow these steps to log in:
- Tap the Log in to ServiceWA button.
- You will be redirected to the secure WA Identity Exchange where you can Log in.
- Select myGovID from the list of Digital Identity providers. Remember, your myGovID must be at least a Standard identity strength.
- Enter the email used when setting up your myGovID.
- Check your myGovID app. A code will appear. Return to the ServiceWA app and enter the code.
Once you have entered the code in your mGovID app, you will be asked to provide your mobile number to finish creating your ServiceWA account:
- Enter your mobile phone number.
- Enter the code sent to your mobile phone to verify your number.
- Read and accept the device permissions required for the app to work.
- Your account is all set up.
Where to from here?
From here, you can enable SafeWA, add your COVID-19 Certificates and access G2G passes.
A hub of COVID-19 related information, all in one place.
COVID-19 Safety Measures Update
COVID-19 Booster Information
How To Wear A Mask Correctly
COVID-19 Update Jan 24th 2022
Stay informed
We release COVID related business updates much faster through social media. So be sure to follow us on the links below for the most up-to-date information.
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